Saturday, March 28, 2009

Exciting plot ideas for a unique late teen novel?

I have a pretty original idea for a story; it mainly involves the relationship between a college guy suffering from depression and an extremely mysterious girl who apparently has the power to appear and disappear anywhere at will, sometimes leaving him for weeks at a time. I have an extremely good twist at the end, but as for the relationship and the twist ending, I don't have very exciting things happening throughout the rest of the story. Basically she can only be seen by him, and they have a complex deep relationship.

I don't want to spill it all out on here, but if anyone has any ideas for some awesome things that would be allowed in a story like this, I'd love you forever.

Well he's a college guy, what's going on with his classes? Or maybe he tries to investigate where she's going for these long absences. Or you could follow her when she leaves. Or maybe he has family or friend problems. Or she has to try to save his life but he has no idea he's in danger. There are unlimited things you could do. A good ending is pointless without a good story leading up to it. If the story is boring, no one will ever make it to the good ending.

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